Whats with all the ingredients?

Every ingredient has a place and a purpose. Our blend has been carefully chosen from what will give you the best results.

More Studies

Yuuth’s ingredients have been studied more extensively than those of the 19 top supplement and nutrition brands.

More studies

Yuuth’s ingredients have been studied more extensively than those of the 19 top supplement and nutrition brands.

Yuuth Advanced Blend

This page provides studies on the unique ingredients present in Yuuth. And more specifically the Ingredients found in our Advanced Anti-Aging Formula.

36 Studied Ingredients*

Vitamin D

60% reduced risk of cancer, *

*in individuals who took 25 mcg / day paired with 1,200 mg of calcium / day*

Vitamin E

20% reduced risk of cardiovascular events. (any incidents that may cause damage to the heart muscle)*

Real Research.

*These are the 36 ingredients present in Yuuth. The studies referenced were not conducted by or for Yuuth. They are intended to demonstrate the potential benefits of certain ingredients found in supplements. However, results may vary, and the findings of these studies may not directly apply to Yuuth